Gemstone Bracelets

Gemstone Bracelets

$12.95 or less per Bracelet!
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"The right daylight cast upon this lovely piece of jewelry shows an amazing depth of colour. (Some things one cannot see in a picture on a web page.) Also a pleasent surprise was to see the professional manner in which these bracelets are made. They are highly polished and the elastic holding them together seems very sturdy. I guess time will tell."
"Where do I start? I still can't believe I paid so little for so much. this has got to be the best value for jewelry on the web. I have bought many items online in the past year and this beautiful bracelet is far and above a best buy in my opinion and would highly recommend to any and all. Keep up the great work Mayanmajix! .... A Very satisfied customer."
"The picture does not do it justice. I have ordered more of the Bloodstones which are incredibly beautiful. i bought 12 various bracelets for family and friends and I am ordering more because I can't part with any of mine. I wear up to six at a time almost daily and can't wait for my next order. My family may have to wait for my 3rd order because these new ones look incredible. Keep up the Great craftsmanship mayanmajix. Bravo. from a very satisfied customer."
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